Apply now ! We're recruiting for research positions!
Apply now ! We're recruiting for research positions!
JRF & PA-1 positions with potential to continue as PhD scholars
JRF & PA-1 positions with potential to continue as PhD scholars
Write to us - office@hst.iith.ac.in
Write to us - office@hst.iith.ac.in
Project positions open in the following areas
Instrumentation and Analytics for Yoga
Acoustics of instruments & Computational Music
Cognition and biomechanics of Indic theatre, dance and performing arts
Indian language technologies - Text to Speech & Speech recognition
Heritage structures and conservation
ML and data science for Heritage databases & Indian knowledge systems
Characterization for traditional medicinal systems
5D immersive Human-Computer-Interfaces for heritage and tourism
Systems Biology approaches to study Ayurvedic descriptions of Physiology
Evolutionary medicine